How to Handle the Worst Dental Emergency

 How to Handle the Worst Dental Emergency

You may already have your next six-month dental checkup circled on your calendar, but what happens if you suffer mouth trauma before your appointment? It’s hard to predict when a dental emergency may occur, so it’s important to know how to react when it does. 

Dental emergencies often cause extreme pain and discomfort. If you experience a dental emergency, don’t want to call your dentist for advice. Use these tips to navigate your dental emergency and get the care you need, fast. 

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is defined as an urgent health problem involving the teeth, gums, and mouth. Most importantly, a dental emergency requires immediate attention from a dentist in order to resolve the problem.

Here are a few examples of dental emergencies:

  • Severe toothache, especially pain that prevents sleep and daily function
  • Swelling of gums, face, or neck
  • Bleeding in the mouth that doesn’t stop
  • Trauma from an injury
  • Abscessed tooth

If you’re currently suffering from any of these issues, consider it a dental emergency that requires the care of a dental professional as soon as possible. 

Are You Having a Dental Emergency?

It’s important that you can recognize the signs of dental emergencies so that you know whether to call your dentist or use home care techniques. 

The following signs indicate that you’re most likely experiencing a dental emergency that a dentist needs to handle:

  • Severe pain
  • Infection in or around the mouth, especially with an abscess and high fever
  • A cracked or loose adult tooth
  • Unusual bleeding from the mouth

In many cases, seeking help for a dental emergency can save your tooth and prevent further health complications. Abscesses, for example, can spread toxic infection through the body if they’re not treated properly. Lost teeth also have the best chances of recovery if reattached quickly after they all out. 

Quick Tips During a Dental Emergency

If A Tooth Gets Knocked Out

If your tooth gets knocked out as a result of physical activity or an unexpected blow to the head, locate the tooth and pick it up from the crown. It is essential that you do not touch the root of the tooth. If it is covered in dirt, only saliva and milk can safely clean your tooth and prevent additional tissue damage. 

The best option after your tooth falls out is to position it back into its socket while you travel to the dentist or hospital. The saliva in your mouth will improve the chances of your tooth being successfully re-implanted. However, if it isn’t possible to put the tooth back in your mouth, store it in milk, not water, as water is unable to preserve the integrity of your tooth.

If a Tooth Breaks

It is also possible that your tooth will break or crack but not entirely fall out. This might happen if you eat hard candy or get hit in the head. In the case of a broken tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the affected area and use a cold compress to prevent excessive swelling. The sooner you get to the dentist, the better!

If You Have Severe Toothache Pain

Unbearable tooth pain might develop for many different reasons. Your pain indicates a serious issue that needs to be addressed quickly to prevent additional damage in the future. It is possible that your pain stems from an abscess, a lost filling, advanced periodontal disease, or decay. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever to minimize your suffering and visit your dentist as soon as possible. 

How to Find a Dental Emergency Specialist

If you have a dental emergency, don’t panic — head to Fifth Avenue Dental Arts, located in San Diego, California. Ramin Ghassemi, DDS, MS, Nina Mojaver, DMD, and the team at Fifth Avenue Dental Arts offer extended office hours for patients facing dental emergencies such as knocked-out teeth, damaged tooth nerves, abscesses, and more.

During the current coronavirus pandemic, dentists nationwide have been called upon to alleviate the burden that dental emergencies would place on hospital emergency departments. This is why we are taking extra measures to keep our office open with same-day appointments for patients who are experiencing a dental emergency. 

If you are having a dental emergency and are nervous about treatment, we offer many sedation dentistry options as well. Thanks to safe and simple solutions like laughing gas, you can get the emergency care you need in San Diego, CA without any pain, discomfort, or anxiety. 

When you notice the first sign of a dental emergency, call (619) 391-3629 to speak to a member of our dental emergency team. We’re here to help you at a moment’s notice!

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